At 1Starr Enterprises, we believe the opportunity to turn ideas into thriving businesses, passion projects, or side hustles should be open to anyone, anywhere. And, we know that everyday entrepreneurs need a trusted partner to make this happen.
And that’s where the 1Starr Trust Center comes in.
Our Trust Center was designed to give you peace of mind, and to keep you – and your customers – secure. From 2-step verification to ensure your account is safe, secure check-out with industry-leading encryption, to monitoring and detection mechanisms to prevent threats before they ever impact you or your customers – data protection, security and privacy are at the core of everything we do. We believe that making your own way online shouldn’t cost you your privacy or security.
Rest assured that our business model is not based on selling your data or any of your personal information. We are in the business of helping you make your own way everywhere you need to be online. And that as technology advances, so will we. We will continue to offer you the latest tech available to make sure you can focus on what you do best – making the world you want.
1Starr Enterprises exists because we thrive on the success of our customers. And we believe your trust is critical to our mutual success. Thank you for your trust in 1Starr.
No two businesses are alike nor are their situations and we fully understand that. We customize every service and solution all business that are unique to their situation and that includes cost. We are willing to work with any budget.
1Starr Enterprises is proud to have provided services and solutions to all types of businesses including Apple, Sam's Club, Amazon, and GoDaddy just to name a few.
Please check our the Official Partners of 1Starr Enterprises:
Please free to check out the 1Starr Enterprises Official Contact Information Center and please feel free to take advantage of the many ways to contact us to set up an initial consultation with one of our wonderful representatives.
All initial consultations are 100% FREE without any costs upon acceptance of retaining our many services and solutions.
We are very proud to provide services and solutions for any type of business, not only within the U.S., but any type of business on this planet!
Of course you can, you are more than welcome to apply and register to as many opportunities as you like with 1Starr Enterprises.
Please feel free to check out all opportunities at 1Starr Enterprises
All official 1Starr Mega Sweepstakes information can be found at the 1Starr Official Brands Mega Sweepstakes & Prizes Center.
All official 1Starr Mega Sweepstakes Rules can be found at the 1Starr Enterprises Official Legal Policies Center.
For all business inquiries you should hear back from an official 1Starr Enterprises Staff Member within 1- 3 hours if you contacted 1Starr Enterprises during normal business hours and you were unable to reach an official 1Starr Enterprises Staff Member in the requested department. After hours business inquiries will be responded to on the next business day of 1Starr Enterprises.
If you are chosen for 1Starr Enterprises employment and market research opportunities, you will be contacted. There is no need for any follow-up on your end.
Due to the overwhelming response to 1Starr Enterprises official employment, market research. and casting listings coupled with unprofessional behavior exhibited by certain individuals we will only be contacting perspective talent and participants for employment and market research if they are chosen to work and/or participate in any capacity of our official employment and market research opportunities of all types.
1Starr Enterprises unequivocally and in any capacity, refuses to be a part of the Better Business Bureau's fraudulent "pay for play" accreditation scam.
First, you can actually be cool and sexy and you can also be faith-based at the same time. We actually put into practice of respecting and loving EVERYONE plain and simple.
Secondly, people that unusually ask these types of questions haven't actually read nor put into practice the actual Good Book. Third, if you don't agree with what we do then please feel free to contact another business.
The short answer is NO! As with any other analytics tool, Google also suffers from inaccuracies due to numerous errors.
Despite Google search's immense index, sources generally assume that Google is only indexing less than 5% of the total Internet, with the rest belonging to the deep web, inaccessible through its se
With greed driven algorithm coupled with the advent of dangerous AI (artificial intelligence) the problem with the accuracy of search engines is only getting worse.
All reliable and accurate information about 1Starr Enterprises and 1Starr Enterprises Official Brands can be found at 1STARR.COM the official worldwide web destination of 1Starr Enterprises.
Please feel free to contact us about anything at: Official 1Starr Enterprises Contact Information Center .
Mr. J.W. Curtis is the Chief Executive Officer, President, Founder and sole Owner of 1Starr Enterprises.
Unlike other companies 1Starr Enterprises is a true Equal Opportunity Employer and we are well aware that most applicants and registrants either don't have any experience and/or any relevant experience. As long as you are willing to actually work hard and our follow instructions we are more than happy to afford any applicant a real opportunity to interview, participate, or audition in all areas.
NO because that is very unprofessional.
Secondly, NO because if you expect for 1Starr Enterprises to treat you like a full grown adult in any capacity and that can handle grown up situations, you need to demonstrate to the 1Starr Enterprises Staff that you can handle yourself as an actual FULL GROWN ADULT.
NO because the 1Starr Enterprises staff needs to know if you can actually follow instructions and we also need to know if you can handle yourself like a grown adult at all times.
Secondly, NO because due of the fact that we are allowing you to do your official 1Starr Enterprises Official Employment Testing, Research Study, and Audition in the comfort and safety of your own home we ask and require that you keep all official 1Starr Enterprises resources, materials, and correspondence proprietary and confidential as stated in ALL official 1Starr Enterprises correspondence that you were sent.
Since 1Starr Enterprises is allowing mostly everyone to do their official interviews, auditions, and testing virtually in the comfort and safety of their own homes, we need verification that that is actually you in your submission materials in addition to us getting a real, unedited version of each and every aspiring applicant. 1Starr Enterprises also has to protect itself from scam artists and from people that aren't “legit”.
1Starr Enterprises is truly all-inclusive. We are actually more concerned with your attitude and work ethic. We actually have projects where we need personnel with certain tattoos and/or piercings. Tattoos and piercings can always be covered up and/or taken out per our technology and resources. However, body art that demonstrates hate toward certain groups will not be tolerated.
1Starr Enterprises receives thousands of applications and submissions every week from people from all over the world and it is extremely hard to even get noticed by our wonderful staff so if you are contacted about applying, interviewing, participating, and auditioning for not only one opportunity let alone two opportunities, that is HUGE for you. We always hear from people about scams, in addition to jobs, opportunities, and projects that aren't “legit” so please take advantage of great opportunities when they actually present themselves to you.
To update your preferred communication preferences or to unsubscribe to all 1Starr Enterprises communications please visit the 1Starr Enterprises Preferences & Unsubscribe Center.
1Starr Enterprises chooses not to buy fake followers and likes like other companies, celebrities, and influencers.
1Starr Enterprises also chooses not to spend money on companies and platforms that support racists misogynists, and bigots.
1Starr Enterprises time-stamps all official 1Starr Enterprises correspondences with all applicants so its really up to you. The longer or shorter you take while providing a quality test/submission per our instructions will decide if you have any chance of a future on any of our employment opportunities at 1Starr Enterprises.
All 1Starr Enterprises employment and research studies opportunities are different in scale and protocols so the time frame can vary per opportunity so please be patient during this process. Contacting us on your behalf will not speed up the process nor will it improve your chances of being chosen in any way.
After a certain amount of time, 1Starr Enterprises immediately deletes all applications, registrations, tests,, and materials. We already have a vast data base and multimedia library that we actually add new multimedia materials daily that are beneficial to our business so we have no real use for your information and testing/submission materials beyond the hiring processes for all employment opportunities.
First off, please actually “read” and not just “skim” through our various “legit” official 1Starr Enterprises multimedia platforms. 1Starr Enterprises has numerous multimedia platforms that describe in detail of how “legit” and/or “for real” 1Starr Enterprises truly is. This is even before you actually have to feel the need to even ask any of the 1Starr Enterprises staff these types of questions. 1Starr Enterprises also has a staff of many who work extremely hard to make sure that our mission and services are readily available for our various clients, partners, and affiliates.
Secondly, at 1Starr Enterprises, we are well aware of scams of all types from fraudulent businesses to fraudulent applicants. We actually have on staff, good and thorough people whose main job is to screen all businesses and all applicants to make sure that they can represent us in the Official 1Starr Enterprises Way.
Third, due to Covid-19 and other factors, 1Starr Enterprises is allowing all applicants to interview and audition for numerous employment opportunities in the comfort and safety of their own homes. All that we ask is that you follow the very clear instructions and do your best if you feel you can actually handle this easy process.
Copyright © 2025 1Starr Enterprises - All Rights Reserved.
All 1Starr Enterprises programming, multimedia, media, talent, names, images, likenesses, slogans, techniques, Solutions, trademarks, logos and copyright are the exclusive property of 1Starr Enterprises. All other trademarks, logos and copyrights are the property of their respective owners. © 2025 1Starr Enterprises All Rights Reserved. This website is based in the United States. By submitting personal information to this website you consent to your information being maintained in the U.S., subject to applicable U.S. laws. U.S. law may be different than the law of your home country.
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